Welcome to the Fortuna Tenebris Store
The officially licensed Darkest Dungeon Tarot Card Deck
Dong Brûlée's Arcane Bazaar
Ace of Ruins
II of Ruins
III of Ruins
IV of Ruins
V of Ruins
VI of Ruins
VII of Ruins
VIII or Ruins
IX of Ruins
X of Ruins
Page of Ruins
Knight of Ruins
Heir of Ruins
Crown of Ruins
Ace of Warrens
II of Warrens
III of Warrens
IV of Warrens
V of Warrens
VI of Warrens
VII of Warrens
VIII of Warrens
IX of Warrens
X of Warrens
Page of Warrens
Knight of Warrens
Heir of Warrens
Crown of Warrens
Ace of Coves
II of Coves
III of Coves
IV of Coves
V of Coves
VI of Coves
VII of Coves
VIII of Coves
IX of Coves
X of Coves
Page of Coves
Knight of Coves
Heir of Coves
Crown of Coves
Ace of Wealds
II of Wealds
III of Wealds
IV of Wealds
V of Wealds
VI of Wealds
VII of Wealds
VIII of Wealds
IX of Wealds
X of Wealds
Page of Wealds
Knight of Wealds
Heir of Wealds
Crown of Wealds
The Fool
The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
Wheel of Fortune
The Hanged Man
The Devil
The Tower
The Star
The Moon
The Sun
The World

Special Thanks
The darkest dungeon subreddit came up with this idea just over 2 months ago, and thanks to the amazing support of that community this passion project has turned into something truly amazing.
Red Hook studios has been the most #wholegamecompany I’ve ever encountered in my life. I cannot emphasise enough how cool and enabling and rewarding this has been. From green light after green light, shouting us out on social media, just awesome. Can’t wait for Darkest Dungeon 2.
Lastly and Mostly, everyone who backed this project on Kickstarter, who gave their energy (money) into the spiritbomb (Kickstarter campaign). Because of you we are going to have one of the coolest pieces of merch from one of the most stylishly gorgeous video game series to date. Thank you so much for trusting me to actually pump out 78 pieces of art for this deck. LETS GO!