
They say good things come in threes, and Kerberus has that goodness in spades! Featuring a beautifully detailed triple headed tip and matching knot, Kerberus is designed to be easier than it looks, enjoy Kerberus’s shaft to its fullest potential. Kerberus is a fantastic model for both new and experienced customers.
“You were a challenge to track... I like that in a human”
Your breath stutters in your chest, a burst of false bravado makes you turn slowly to lean against the stone wall, calming your breathing and giving nothing away as you stow the rucksack further behind you. Your plan was flawless. Briliantly flawless might you add. Get in, steal back the artifact and return it to its rightful owners.
The security was tight but not all that observent, you had come right through the front door, invitation in hand and had made sure not to raise much suspicion from being alone at a party like that. Though judging by Mr. Tall, Broad and Three-Headed you hadn't been quite as inconspicuous as you'd hoped.
"You know, there are easier ways of getting a date with me, stalking a lone defenceless person at night isn't one of them." You say with a grin, taking in the way each head seems to process your words. He chuckles at your words sizing you up as he steps closer. "A date sounds like a good deal...After you hand over the artifact inside your bag" He replies and you meet him in the middle, trailing a hand across his chest to take a look at the dog-tags around his neck.
"Kerberus." You say, reading the tags and hopefully not butchering what you believe to be his name and the rumbling in his chest sounds like half growl, half approval. "What if I gave you another deal. Help me get this back where it belongs first,to the rightful owners and then you can take me anywhere you want" you say with a smirk the inuendo clear in the air as he ponders your words.
"I think its a good thing we are on the same side, I was sent to make sure you could pull it off. I'm not exactly the most agile, so outside help was needed, I got wind that you are a talented human at retreiving stolen artifacts, the chase was an unexpected bonus, I do love a good chase" he says with a sweeping gesture and you press your finger to the corner of your mouth with a thoughtful glance.
"Then it looks like we have a partnership for long as you can keep up" you say with a playful punch to his chest taking off down an alleyway and valting over a fence, the haunting triple howl of challenge behind you making the reward that much sweeter.